C++ Thread Safety – Detailed Course Outline
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Section 1 - POSIX Threads
- Creating and Starting Threads
- Thread Attributes
- Terminating Threads
- Passing Arguments
- Joining and Detaching
- Synchronization
- Mutexes
- Locking and Unlocking
- Releasing Mutexes
- Critical Sections
- Condition Variables
- Waiting and Signaling
Section 2 - C++14 Threads
- Using str::thread
- Creating and Joining Threads
- Thread IDs
- Working with Exceptions
- Using std::async()
- Handling Exceptions
- Futures
- Waiting and Polling
- Promises
- Packaged Tasks
- Shared Futures
Section 3 - C++14 Thread Safety
- Concurrent Data Access
- Mutexes
- Lock Guards
- Recursive Locks
- Tried and Timed Locks
- Using std::call_once()
- Unique Locks
- Condition Variables
- Atomic Variables
Section 4 - C++ Enhancements
- Shared Timed Mutexes
- Shared Locks
- Concurrent Queues
- Pipelines
- Stream Mutexes
- Executors and Schedulers
- Resumable Functions