C# Programming
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Copyright © 2001 - 2025, Anderson Software Group, Inc.
Section 1 - Getting Started
- C# Fundamentals
- Namespaces, Input and Output
- Operators and Control Constructs
- Value data types, Arrays, and References
- Method Parameters
- Using params
- Using ref
- Using out
Section 2 - Classes and Objects
- Class Design
- Fields, Properties, Accessors
- Constructors, Destructors, this keyword
- Method Overloading
- Static Fields and Methods
- Inheritance
- Polymorphism with virtual and override
- Using base with Constructors and Methods
- Classes and Structs
- Abstract Classes and Methods
- Sealed Classes
- The Object Class
- Boxing and Unboxing
- Creating and Using Structs
Section 3 - Working with Objects
- Exception Handling
- try, catch, throw, finally
- Exception Objects
- Interfaces
- Implementing and Extending Interfaces
- The is and as Operators
- Interfaces vs. Abstract Classes
- Qualified Interfaces
- Resource Management
Section 4 - Delegates and Events
- Delegates
- The delegate keyword
- Assigning Methods to Delegates
- Anonymous Methods, Lambda Expressions
- Events
- The event keyword
- Publish-Subscribe Pattern
- Event Properties and Handlers
- Callbacks
- Using AsyncCallback and IAsyncResult
- Standard Events
- Using EventHandler and EventArgs
Section 5 - Windows Programming in C#
- Windows Forms
- Controls and Components
- Label, Button, TextBox, CheckBox
- ComboBox, RadioButtons, ListBox
- DateTimePicker, ImageList, Panel
- FlowLayoutPanel and TableLayoutPanel
- Window Applications
- Window Events
- MenuBars, MenuItems, Status Bars
Section 6 - Threads
- The Thread Class
- Starting Threads, Thread Priorities
- Timer Threads
- Interlocked, Monitor, and lock()
Section 7 - Generics and Collections
- Generics
- Generic Methods and Classes
- Generic Delegates
- Collections
- Indexers
- Stack and Queue
- ArrayList, List, LinkedList
- Dictionary
Section 8 - File I/O and Streams
- File and Directory Management
- Reading and Writing Text Files
- Reading and Writing Binary Files