Advanced Java Programming – Detailed Course Outline
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Section 1 - Generics and Collections
- Why Use Generics?
- Generic Classes
- Generic Interfaces
- Generic Methods
- Generic Bounds
- Collection API
- Interfaces and Iterators
- Abstract, Concrete Classes
- Wildcard Parameters
- Serialization with Generics
Section 2 - Java Threads
- Thread Components and Scheduling
- Mutually Exclusive Threads
- Monitors and Locks
- Synchronized Methods and Blocks
- Deadlock Scenarios
- Circular Deadlock
- Callback Deadlock
- Nested Monitor Deadlock
- Designing with Threads
Section 3 - Network Programming
- Sockets
- Clients and Servers
- MultiThreaded Servers
- Remote Method Invocation
- Remote Interfaces
- Callbacks
Section 4 - Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
- JDBC Architecture
- JDBC Drivers
- Working with Databases
- Connecting to Databases
- Database Queries and ResultSets
- Prepared and Callable Statements
- Metadata
Section 5 - Java Native Interface (JNI)
- Native Methods
- C with Java Objects
- Mapping Types
- Accessing Class Fields
- Calling Class Methods
- Working with Strings and Arrays
- Exception Handling
- C++ with Java Objects
Section 6 - Performance Tuning
- Compile-time Optimizations
- Run-time Optimizations
- Inlining Method Calls
- Minimize Synchronization
- Iterations
- Copying Arrays
- Singleton Design
- Lazy Evaluation