Java Programming
Java Programming is intended for software engineers, systems analysts, program
managers and user support personnel who wish to learn the Java programming language.
Experience with a high level language (C, MATLAB) is a prerequisite.
Knowledge of an object-oriented language (C++, C#, Ada) is helpful but not mandatory.
Learning Objectives
The learning objectives of this course are:
- To learn why Java is useful for the design of desktop and web applications.
- To learn how to implement object-oriented designs with Java.
- To identify Java language components and how they work together in applications.
- To design and program stand-alone Java applications.
- To learn how to design a graphical user interface (GUI) with Java Swing.
- To understand how to use Java APIs for program development.
- To learn how to extend Java classes with inheritance and dynamic binding.
- To learn how to use exception handling in Java applications.
- To understand how to design GUI components with the Java Swing API.
- To learn Java generics and how to use the Java Collections API.
- To understand how to design applications with threads in Java.
- To learn how to read and write files in Java.